Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Starting a Blog!!

Blog, blog, blog is all I hear about anymore. So, I thought I should jump on the wagon. Now, I just need to figure out how to load all kinds of cool things on here.
I make & sell jewelry, so I hear this is a good way to get the word out. My website is www.dsignsbymelissa.etsy.com. Come take a peek, & I’ll get some items posted on here once I get it all figured out. :) BTW: Check out my great music selection...I was a child of the New Kids revolution & they are back!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog!! YAY!! I am so very excited that you have done this and can't wait to read all the things you'll be writing about! (((hugs))) Rhonda

Sara said...

welcome to blogging!